Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Who Doesn't? Here's How to Get There

Who wants to be a millionaire? Everybody does. But becoming a millionaire is not all about the money. It's about the process to get there. So what’s the process?

The average CEO reads 50-60 books per year, but it may be more logical to read one book 50 times. Or perhaps maybe try building a five-year ideal scenario, maybe add a dozen goals that you must achieve along the way, plus five or six affirmations that you repeat every day.

The affirmation may be, "I'm now on my way to becoming a millionaire, in an easy, relaxed manner, in a healthy positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all."

To start building the strategies to achieve those goals that are benchmarks to becoming a millionaire, you can start adding in some "what if" scenarios to your daily affirmations. Add some "I believe" statements that reflect your values.

Your conscience mind may try to undermine you. It may say, yeah, right, you're an imposter. Fear may win. Perceived future evil or suffering can cause paralysis. But you need to get past F-E-A-R, also known as "false evidence appearing real."

We tackle fear with courage, acceptance, hope, and faith. Courage is the ability to move forward in spite of fear. Courage creates strength. Acceptance cures anxiety. Hope produces joy and faith is a remedy for all fear.

To make a decision to move forward, you don't need 100 percent of the facts. You only need facts plus 20 seconds of courage to make a decision that will remove the agony of fear.

You can't go around or above or under fear. You have to go through it. Attain the tools to conquer fear by writing out or reading your goals every day. Add in some "I'm worthy" statements. You will start to recognize these goals forming into achievements. And that is how you get on the path to becoming a millionaire.

I discussed this topic in greater detail at a recent business mixer. Please watch the video to hear more.

By the way, have you read Better Than You Think: Developing Awareness for a More Fulfiling Life? My bestseller is available on Amazon. I also host a biweekly podcast called Chiseled.

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